Category Archives: Streaming media

Siri transforms the new Apple TV

Description:  No matter how many times I ask Apple TV’s Siri for shows starring   “Bea Arthur,” it only hears “be Arthur.”


Date: Nov 3, 2015


Siri is one of the new Apple TV’s most important features. It can stumble over proper names (“Keanu” took multiple tries but it nailed “Fassbender”), and Apple has saddled it with some key limitations. But ultimately, Siri is a neat way to surf TV.

In addition to the Siri upgrade, the new gadget includes a fancy touchpad remote control, beautiful interface and an all new app store. Apple (AAPLTech30) calls it the “future” of television.

The product upgrade, the first in three years, is a huge leap forward for Apple. And after spending a few days watching TV (for journalism), I think it’s very much the TV of our time.  Read Rest of Story 

 Questions for discussion:

1.  Are you an Apple TV user? Why or why not?

2. Does this product look like something you would adopt? Why or Why not?

3.  What do you think the chances are for success with this product?  Dexribe