A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed

Description: Our digital age is all about bits, those precise ones and zeros that are the stuff of modern computer code.

Source: NYTimes.com

Date: March 21, 2013


A powerful new type of computer that is about to be commercially deployed by a major American military contractor is taking computing into the strange, subatomic realm of quantum mechanics. In that infinitesimal neighborhood, common sense logic no longer seems to apply. A one can be a one, or it can be a one and a zero and everything in between — all at the same time.

It sounds preposterous, particularly to those familiar with the yes/no world of conventional computing. But academic researchers and scientists at companies like Microsoft, I.B.M. and Hewlett-Packard have been working to develop quantum computers.  READ REST OF STORY 

Questions for discussion:

1. What are quantum computers?

2. Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?

37 thoughts on “A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed

  1. Jarett French

    It seems that quantum computing is quite different than the current computer way of thinking we see today in the yes/no type coding that exists. It is accomplished through exploiting a property of matter in a quantum state. I’m not sure what that entirely means, but I am excited at the prospect of a new model for computing. In a C++ computer programming class I took I would write code and then test the code, the testing would only take a second. But From the stories our professor would tell us, it would take days for the computer to be able to test the code 25 years ago. So to have a new technology where major systems could be tested with hypothetical situations in a matter of seconds instead of days, is a really neat proposition that is not far-fetched, considering the advancements that have already been made. It seems the that the speed is made possible by the design of the processor, by creating superposition and entanglement, and freezing the processor to near absolute zero. It will be exciting to see where this new technology takes us in the future, it has the potential to solve many problems in current computing.

  2. Lauren Gallimore

    Quantum computers have the potential to reinvent the way computers run and the work they are able to do. These new computers use subatomic particles to perform processing tasks and store memory. This is unlike the current use of silicon microprocessors. This new approach to computing has the potential to perform tasks much quicker and on a much larger scale than anything imaginable using traditional computer systems. What makes quantum computers so much faster is that instead of the classic binary system of 1’s or 0’s, subatomic particles are used. Since these particles are so small, many more can be used within a computers processor. These particles can take on more than one state, sometimes even at the same time, making the system less rigid than the classic yes/no of binary. It is the interaction between these atoms and ions (called qubits) that facilitates the computer processing power. Being able to consider multiple states of these particles allows for the optimal answer to a calculation be achieved quickly. This technology could be the breakthrough that helps scientists answer some of the mysteries of the universe since they are able to manage much more data and do much more complex calculations than any of the current technology.

  3. Stacey

    Quantum computers differ greatly from the traditional computers we are used to using today. They rely on the subatomic level of quantum mechanics, and we can rely on them to solve complex science and business problems that we would not be able to using a traditional computer. Quantum computing goes beyond the binary system that we know today. They are much faster beucase of the unusual properties of particles at the smallest level. Instead of the 0 to 1 basis that computers that we know today operate on, quantum computers relie on the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a range of states. Because it goes beyond the 0 to 1 system, many complex calculations and problem solving can be completed.

  4. Stuart Russell

    Quantum computers are a highly advanced system of computing that ditches binary code (1’s and 0’s) in favor of a system where the numbers can be “both 0’s and 1’s and everything in between”. This is based on subatomic particle and their possibilities to change states, and even though the article mentions this is confusing to the standard vision we have of computing, it is not only possible but have been created several years ago.

    These computers are faster by millions of times because of their subatomic particles changing state and thus solving problems quicker (though I currently do not understand the process). What is interesting is that military technology is usually 30-50 years ahead of what is available to the public. How long have these been around, and what have they accomplished that we do not yet know?

    \2. Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?

  5. J. Pointer

    This article was a bit too much for me to take in, but here is my best opinion! Quantam computing is much faster then the modern computer because it uses Quantam technology rather then binary coding. Quantam computers have the ability to use this technology to perform calculations using ones and zeros as well as “everything in between”. This means that Quantam technology also uses “subatomic particles” that inhabit a wide range of states. There may be different relationships amongst these particles then are known today, and the probable states they are in can be further broken down in order to provide outcomes with nearly infinite possibilities.
    Quantam computing is the future of how we compute information today. I do not know much about computers (as you can probably tell from my best attempt at an article summary above) but, I do believe that Quantam computing could greatly increase the standard of living. I think it will drastically improve cancer research as well as other fatal diseases, and improve modern medicines (for diabetes or other lifetime illnessses) more rapidly. Ultimately enable us to come closer to a cure then we are today. Quantam computing could not only benefit health research and facilities, but it could help to increase military reactions, etc.

  6. Adam Christensen

    Quantum computers is a form of computing that uses quantum mechanics. One of the main differences between quantum computing and modern-day computing is that instead of the binary codes just being a simple 1 or 0, “a one can be a one, or it can be a one and a zero and everything in between — all at the same time” as quoted by the article. They will be used to solve for complex computations much faster than our normal today computers.
    Quantum computing is so much faster because it receives all the data instantaneously rather then in a long line of 1’s and 0’s. This will help researchers find out what they need to faster and be able to input more data into the computers to compute what is needed to be computed.

  7. Litchi Peng

    Quantum Computers are computers that uses quantum logic to achieve quantum computing. Quantum computers is way different traditional computers. The quantum computers are a development of traditional computers. The traditional computing is a kind of special quantum computing. A quantum computer could perform certain computations much more efficient than its classical counterpart by exploiting the superposition principle and the interferences of quantum mechanics. So far there is no actual quantum computers in the world. However, many labs in all over the world have the enthusiasm to pursue the dream. The reason why quantum computers are much faster than traditional computers is that because of the unusual properties of particles ate smallest level. Quantum computers could solve the problem that supports the best solutions. A quantum computer perform a data operations via quantum, which is quicker the normal ways. In my opinion, the quantum computers will have a bigger development in future days so that it can benefit our work and life.

  8. Alicia Dyck

    Quantum computers are computers that are able to work with zeros, ones, and everything in between. This means that the traditional binary code of computers is changed for the quantum computer. The quantum computer is a lot faster than the traditional computer. This is because it focuses more on subatomic particles within a range allowing the system to look at multiple different relationships and outcomes between particles. The quantum computer is substantially faster than even super computers because of their ability to look at multiple relationships. The goal of the quantum computer is to enable the qubits to hold a huge array of values at one time. This idea originally, was seen to be nearly impossible. Now however, the quantum computer is more likely than ever and many people in the scientific world feel that it is a race. This reminds me of the Race for Space and any number of Arms Races. Today it is the race for technology that everyone in the world is hoping to come out on top of. The quantum computer is the way that North Americans are currently trying to get ahead through creating. While this technology is created and exists in today’s world, scientists are still trying to prove that the system runs faster than a normal super computer and are refraining from publishing the information as of yet.

  9. Yu Chao

    Quantum Computers are computers that access quantum mechanics to perform operations on data.and the Quantum Computer speed is faster than others becuase The speed of quantum computers is really what differentiates this from normal computers. The speed is so much faster because of the property of the particles used in the smallest matter

  10. Matthew Mitten

    Quantum Computers are computers that differ drastically from the world we know today. Instead of being made up of binary code they are made from many different applications. The current one with the most promise from d-wave is made from the cooling of wires to absolute zero and creating numbers of mathematical algorithims. They have many more possibilities in their functions than the computer that is known today. Which is why some big name companies are investing in them, such as Amazon.com and Goldman and Sacs.

    Quantum computing is so much faster than traditional cumputers because quantum computers are not held back by the deficiencies of binary. They dont have to follow a path. As in the wizard of oz there was one road that would take them to see the wizard. This is not the case with quantum computing. Dorothy and Toto could go where ever the heck they want, whenever the heck they want, be in multiple places at once, and arrive at the wizards castle a heck of a lot faster. Quantum computing allows multiple facets, they can be used to arrive at the information desired weeks faster than what we are regulated to today with traditional computers.

  11. Richelle Merrick

    Quantum computers are used to perform operations on data. They are much more advanced than traditional computers and have proved to be extremely difficult. As the article explains, the idea behind quantum computers has been to exploit a property of matter in a quantum state known as superposition, which makes it possible for the basic elements of a quantum computer, known as qubits, to hold a vast array of values simultaneously. After 3 decades of trying to make this a reality,it is finally a possibility. It could change the way all research is done. For , example it could make it possible to create and test complex radar, space and aircraft systems; something that can now take weeks, if ever, to determine.
    Quantum computing is faster than traditional computers because of the unusual properties of particles at the smallest level. Instead of using the precision traditionalcomputers do, quantum computers can use a one as a one, or as a one and a zero, as well as everything in between. This makes it less restricted and creates more possibilities. Quantum computing still has a long way to go but the potential is endless.

  12. La Porta Thibaut

    1. What are quantum computers?
    The present mechanichal integrated circuits have their limit, and we might be able to catch up to them or go beyond them. To remove these difficulties, in 1982 the Nobel Prize in Physics Richard Feynman invented a quantum computer, a computer that would be able to take advantage of the quantum properties, especially the states of overlays. A quantum computer is able to break the most complex encryption codes in seconds! Indeed, and because it performs multiple calculations simultaneously binary, while a computer calculates the normal one after the other.

    2. Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?
    We know that a classical computer processes information elementary bits, which can not have just one of two possible states: 0 or 1. This is the binary language. With 4 bits, a classical computer can handle state from 24 or 16 different states: 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, etc.. In our example, the advantage of the quantum computer is able to simultaneously handle 16 states. And all this thanks to the states superpositions. They then calculate N times faster than a classical computer they are able to perform these calculations in parallel! The number of qubits increases exponentially so the power of parallel work. Today we are far from being able to handle as many states and quantum computers more powerful that work best with seven qubits, the equivalent of a 7-bit processor but massively parallel. The advantage is obviously the fact that we would save a lot of time.

  13. Kelsey Allan

    Quantum Computers are computers that access quantum mechanics to perform operations on data. Basically how they differ from our traditional computing system is that traditionally our computers operate on a 0 and 1 binary code, whereas the quantum computer can do both at the same time. This ultimately is what helps to produce faster results then what the traditional computer systems can. Another thing that helps Quantum computers to be much faster is the fact that they use highly complex algorithms. These algorithms can not be understood by the traditional computer therefore, only a superior computer can decode and use these algorithms. One of the main positives is that these computers can produce results faster and more efficiently then our traditional computer systems.

    What is quite interesting to me about these computers is that they are highly funded through government and military funding. What are they trying to achieve through this new computer system, is what i am questioning? This i think could potentially be a problem in the future because with having these highly complex systems in the hands of the military, there could be some serious damage produced. Not to mention that if these systems got into the wrong hands there could be many potential problems.

  14. Lanre Paulissen

    I had once wondered if technological advancement would some point in time but when it looks to me like this is as far as it gets something revolutionary is again in the offing. Quantum computing is a revolution not unlike the early days of computing, it is a transformation in the way computers are thought about as quoted from the article. The article also reads that “Cancer researchers see a potential to move rapidly through vast amounts of genetic data. The technology could also be used to determine the behaviour of proteins encoded by the human genome, a bigger and tougher problem than sequencing the genome.”

    Quantum computing reputed to be faster than traditional computing because of the unusual properties of particles at the smallest level. The technology replaces the traditional ones and zeros used to represent data in present day computers; quantum computing relies on the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a range of states. The high entropy level, randomness of subatomic particles and the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a range of states makes quantum computers to be faster than traditional computers and leaves much to be desired in the area of quantum computing. As written in the article, “these probable states can be narrowed to determine an optimal outcome among a near-infinitude of possibilities, which allows certain types of problems to be solved rapidly.”

  15. Leisha Hansen

    Quantum computers are superchargers that contain the power to do the work of a normal computer millions of times faster. They are able to perform rigorous analysis of situations and create solutions to problems in a sort of what-if analysis format. The sheer speed with which they operate gives them the benefit of solving situations or issues very quickly and analyzing data super fast. By understanding relationships among particles, rather than just precise ones and zeros, they are able to calculate ‘near-infinitude possibilities’ which allows them to solve problems rapidly. They are also able to process information parallel with searching for it so the results are almost instantaneous. They can create many situations by manipulating data, and out of those solutions they can come up with the best results to situations. The benefit to this technology is that one quantum computer could solve the problems that it takes thousands of servers to do. It’s rapid response is going to be highly beneficial with its abilities to help with military analysis and operations, medical innovation and analysis, financial and logic analysis and solutions and many other industries.

  16. Josh Bodnaruk

    Quantum computers are computers which use the principles of quantum mechanics to solve logistical problems nearly instantly whereas modern computers simply cannot. The basic idea, in my interpretation, is that values which can be multiple outcomes, are used as inputs, a sort of “what if” statement, instead of a yes/no relationship. This the means the computer can solve many outcomes at once and find the right values.
    This near instantaneous data analysis is far more advanced than the normal computers of today. I personally think that these computers could be potentially dangerous if used incorrectly. Knowing every likely outcome is a large responsibility.

  17. Chyan Tibert

    Quantum computers work on a subatomic level of quantum mechanics. They are computers that have the potential for a vast number of complex applications. The article states that quantum computing will be able to solve “some science and business problems millions of times faster than can be done today” by ordinary computers. Quantum computers do not rely on the precision of ones and zeros set into the basic programming of traditional computers. Because of this they are able to process data and information in a different way much more efficiently and extremely fast. Quantum computers use subatomic particles in there varying range of states and do not use common sense logic.
    There is great opposition facing the D-wave company like any change or innovating idea it can be hard to find funding for the project. In 2007 the D-wave hurt their public image and reputation by making an impossible claim they could not accomplish, stating that they would have a quantum computer built in a year. This set them back but they were able to get funding to push forward. I think that the quantum computer will change the way a computer functions and can have breakthroughs in the way of medical treatments, science, business and even space travel. It will be interesting to follow the advance of quantum computing.

  18. Chance Olsen

    Quantum computers unlike the traditional computers is using more than the traditional computing of just 0’s and 1’s. Quantum computers can use 0’s as 1’s and 1’s as 0’s and everything in between 0 and 1. This allows the computers to be faster and more flexible, reducing the redundant tasks that traditional computers make. Quantum computers allow the use of superposition and entanglement to perform operations on data gathered something that the traditional computers can’t do. Traditional computers require data to be encoded into binary digits such as a 1 or a 0, whereas quantum computers use quantum bits known as qubits. Quantum computers are so much faster than the traditional computers because they use the best known algorithms. These algorithms can be so large that the traditional computers wouldn’t be able to handle the information in a timely and accurate way. But the way a quantum computer is set up with qubits these large algorithms can be easily and accurately processed.

  19. Megan Jackson

    Quantum computers are a powerful type of computers that enable us to do things that we never thought was possible. More so, these computers allow us to perform tasks at a much faster rate than ever before. Quantum computing is a transformation from the early days of computing. Quantum computing allows cancer researchers to move through genetic data at a much faster rate than ever before. These computers have the potential to solve scientific problems that we never thought would be solved. Being able to move through genetic data at a faster pace might be able to help doctors predict if patients will get cancer in their lifetime at some point. If doctors are able to predict this, then they may also be able to prevent the patients from getting cancer. It is incredible how much the technology industry has evolved in the past decade. I think that eventually, this type of technology talked about in the article will help us combat diseases like cancer.
    Quantum computing is faster than traditional computers due to the properties of particles at the smallest level. Compared to traditional computing, quantum computing relies on the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a range of states. Quantum computing allows certain types of problems that may be to complex for traditional computers to be solves much faster.

  20. Jacqueline Wegener

    1. What are quantum computers and why are they faster than traditional computers?
    Quantum computers are devices that are able to make direct use of quantum mechanics to perform operations on data. Traditional computers use binary codes (0 and 1) but quantum computers are able to use 0 and 1’s at the same time and anything in between 0 and 1. The fact that quantum computers can use any superposition of the 1 or 0 means that there is a greater level of flexibility than any traditional computer making it exceptionally faster.
    Quantum computers are faster than traditional computers because they use a different mathematical approach than what is used in tradition computers. Quantum computers make use of quantum technology instead of binary bits which is the technology that is used in traditional computers. The main reason for the increased speed is the ability to perform calculations using 0’s and 1’s and anything in between. The computer is not focused on converting data into binary code and can instead focus on what it is intended to do. This technology can be used to eliminate redundant data tasks and speeding up findings which would be beneficial to areas such as the medical industry.

  21. Callie Matz

    Quantum computers are computer that use quantum properties instead of binary code to perform operations. Binary code uses “1’s” and “0’s” whereas quantum computers are not stuck to using a zero or a one and can instead use a range. Quantum computers are predicted to change the way the world works. It will increase processing speeds and allow for more genetic evaluation. It is very exciting for research areas such as cancer research and other diseases. Given its speed it will also help in management decision making and allow for a competitive advantage over other companies who do not upgrade to it.

    It is faster than traditional computers because it is not restricted to yes or no answers. It add flexibility that is not feasible in binary coding where they are limited to ones and zeros. Quantum computing allows for a range that will allow greater decision making flexibility and power. Given that the technology is still so new and has not been tested in real world situations I would not recommend it to a company yet. Once it has been tried and tested, and proven successful I think it will be a more feasible option for companies. Once it has entered the market in a larger scale, the price will also be reduced making it even more realistic for smaller companies too.

  22. Warren Murley

    Quantum computers are computers that use quantum mechanics, such as superposition, to work with data. They differ from the traditional computer in that traditional computers use data that is encoded into bits where data is represented by 1’s or 0’s and quantum computers rely on subatomic particles inhabiting a range of states, as well as different relationships among the particles coexisting, as stated in the article. As far as I understand it, the reason for quantum computing being so much faster than traditional computers is because of the difference mentioned previously. The different states help determine an optimal outcome through many possibilities, which can help solve problems quicker.
    As far as this being a reality or not, I am not sure, I haven’t heard to much about quantum computing. The faster processing capabilities would be a huge benefit for many in a commercial environment. However, with this new technology being developed I foresee it being very costly to purchase one. The question I have is how much will it help businesses save in time and money, would the cost difference to buy and maintain a quantum computer be better than keeping a tradition system? I see it being beneficial for many companies or organizations, or others it won’t (based on costs and need).

  23. Jarrett Potvin

    Quantum computers are the next big thing in technological advances. They are to be the next big thing in computing, taking over from the traditional binary computers. There is much belief in what a computer that uses quantum mechanics can do over that of binary computers that they have been in development for the last three decades. These computers may hold the potential to interpret protein chains much faster as well as give the capabilities to replicate them. There is also promise that these quantum computers will be able to solve complex algorithms and business problems much faster than the binary computers. It is also believed that this technology will allow for more advanced self-driving cars since they will be more responsive to the environment.
    These computers are able to compute faster than traditional binary computers because of one fact; data input. Where the binary computer converts all data to zeroes and ones before it can start computing the quantum computer is able to process items on the molecular level. This means that the standard conversion steps of converting data to binary code and then back again are removed and the computer can focus all its computing power on just doing what it is programmed to do.

  24. Mike Jensen

    1. What are quantum computers?
    As technology becomes more advanced and more developed, a more advanced type of computing system needs to be implemented: this is where quantum computing kicks in. Quantum computing relies specifically on the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a range of states. With that being said, different relationships among the particles may coexist, too. The possible states have the ability to be narrowed down to determine the best outcomes among a “near-infinitude of possibilities”, which allow certain problems to become solved quickly and efficiently as possible.

    2. Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?

    Quantum computing is extremely fast compared to traditional computers. Quantum computers use an entirely different mathematical approach compared to traditional computer companies. In quantum computing, the processor is made from superconducting wires, which are chilled to absolute zero. It is then programmed by loading certain mathematic algorithms and equations into the superconducting wires. The processer moves though possibilities to determine the lowest amount of energy required to bond the relationships. The adiabatic quantum computing is said to have a lot of promise in evaluating certain financial strategies or logistics problems, in the business world.

  25. Brad Zander

    I am not so sure that I am sold on this quantum computer idea. However, if it does really take off it means high savings for the businesses that will implement the system. I am curious as to the cost for implementing a quantum computer system. If it really does save and cut as many costs at it boasts to, my guess would be that there is an enormous price tag attached. Just like all new technology when it emerges, the costs are huge. Take the new mac book pro that recently was released. If you buy a new model of a mac book pro when it is first released, the cost would be around $2,500. It is disturbing to find out that if you would have simply waited one or two years, you could buy that same model for $1,500 (substantially less). This same issue may occur with these quantum computer systems. Because it is a new technology the costs for its implementation will most likely be ridiculously high. However, if the technology is successful, it will be further developed and we will see a drop in price over the next few years. It would be more beneficial for companies to wait for the cost of implementation to decrease a bit prior to changing over to this new technology.

  26. Matthew Chipman

    The quantum computors use quantum theory to perform operations on data. It uses quantum properties to represent data and perform operations on these data. These computers could be used to upgrade the most powerful systems, solving lots of problems thousands apon thousands of times faster than can be done today. It would be possible to tell how a network of satellites would react to a solar burst or a pulse from a nuclear explosion that currently takes weeks to determine. Cancer research can be helped by rapidly moving though a vast number of genetic data. It can be used to determine behavior of proteins in the human genome.

    So Quantum computers perform data operations by using quantum properties to perform operations of bits basically permitting the data to be in the same place at the same time. This allows for unfathomable complex problems and algarythms to be calculated and applied. This would drastically change technology by eliminating redundant data tasks and speeding up findings and improve medical field advancements drastically.

  27. Alphine Bindiridza

    Quantum computer is a new type of computer that uses quantum physics and is way faster than a normal computer. It is more efficient and effective to use. These computers use a subatomic realm and they don’t use common sense logic. these kind of computers can perform operations in human genomes ( how awesome is that 😉 ). A quantum computer is faster than a normal computer because a quantum computer uses subatomic realms of quantum physic while a normal computer uses binary numbers 0 and 1.

  28. Mariam akinola

    Quantum computers are the future computers. The are faster, better and more reliable insolvent problems such as financial and logic problems. These computers perform functions under few million- billionths of seconds which a normal traditional computer cannot do. They are the kind of commuters that should be used in
    Large organizations and in government and government intelligent.
    Unlike traditional computers tha uses binary number 1 and 0, quantum computers use particles which are in the smallest matter. This makes high tech computer faster. Since computers are a part of us now, it would be beneficial to shift from traditional computers to quantum commuters. This would definite not change in a blink of an eye but I am sure if people see the advantages of it, they will switch.

  29. TJ Winn

    Quantum computers are computers that rely on a range of states rather that relying on zeros and ones. This is possible due to the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a rage of states rather than just one state. This also means that different relationships can coexist as well. These probable states can then be narrowed to determine the best outcome of and almost infinite amount of possibilities; and quite quickly. The result is a revolutionary computer faster than any computer of today.

    The results of this super speed computer is because of the key relationship mentioned earlier, being that these computers do not rely on ones and zeros, but rather that a one could be a zero or a one or anything in between – and doing this all at the same time. This once thought impossible giant leap in the computer world and the speed of computers is becoming reality and may be part of our lives in the near future.

  30. Jonny Kostiuk

    Quantum computers are much faster than traditional computers and work using subatomic particles that are much smaller than the ones used in computers now. Quantum computers do not use 1’s and 0’s like regular computers; instead use the subatomic particles to give an endless range of numbers anywhere form 0 to 1. They can do things that normal computers would do in two weeks to a lifetime in a matter of seconds. Quantum computers are based on the principles on quantum physics. These new computers that could change a lot in are world and are capable of doing extreme things and could be very beneficial in dealing with things with space engineering, cancer research, and even military problems, this could change the way we fight wars.
    The speed of quantum computers is really what differentiates this from normal computers. The speed is so much faster because of the property of the particles used in the smallest matter. It always the range of numerical data to far exceeds the traditional 1’s and 0’s and give an endless range between those digits. It involves the state and interaction of the particles at the close to zero freezing mark.

  31. Akina Morimoto

    The article suggests that quantum computing is a transformation in the ways computers thought of. Quantum computing is much faster, efficient, and effective than traditional computers, because they do not use the precision of ones and zeros. They instead rely on subatomic particles in their varying range of states and do not use common sense logic. Quantum computing uses both ones and zeros at the same time, which results in producing results more efficiently and quickly. This can aid the structure of militaries, space exploration, or even cancer research. Quantum computing has been introduced into a couple management organizations thus far. Some researchers are extremely optimistic of the success of quantum computing in the future. Although quantum computing is not scientifically proven that it processes faster than today’s binary system, the likelihood is entirely possible and could save tons of money and time for organizations. The speed of quantum computing is tremendously valuable. The possibility for quantum computing appears to be endless, where it can be beneficial in all aspects of research. With the growing surge of the expectations of quantum computing, it should be interesting to see if it does become a part of business management and personal use.

  32. swatigade

    1. What are quantum computers?
    Quantum computers use quantum theory to perform operation on data. It uses quantum properties to represent data and perform operations on these data. These computers could be used to supercharge the most powerful systems, solving some science and business problems millions of times faster than can be done today. It would be possible to tell how a network of satellites would react to a solar burst or a pulse from a nuclear explosion that currently takes weeks to determine. Cancer research can be helped by rapidly moving though a vast number of genetic data. It can be used to determine behavior of proteins in the human genome. Even Goolge has used quantum computers to recognize cars and landmarks which is a critical step in managing self-driving vehicles.
    2. Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?
    Quantum computing is so much faster than traditional computers because of the unusual properties of particles at the smallest level. The traditional computers relied on the precision of ones and zeros, quantum computing relies on the fact that subatomic particles inhabit a range states. It relies on the different relationships among particles and the states can be narrowed to determine an optimal outcome allowing certain types of problems to be solved rapidly.

  33. Landon

    1. What are quantum computers? Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?
    A quantum computer makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information and quantum mechanics to process information. These principles increase the computational power exponentially and far beyond what any traditional type of computer is close to. A quantum computer stores information as either a 1, 0, or a quantum superposition of the two states. This allows for greater flexibility then any traditional computer and is the reason why quantum computing is so much faster.
    A quantum computer is able to perform calculations on a far greater order of magnitude than traditional computers. Calculations that would take a traditional computer hours to process and solve, a quantum computer would be capable of solving in a fraction of the amount of time.

  34. Carla Hornecker

    Quantum computers are computers that work on the subatomic level of quantum mechanics. Unlike a traditional computer, quantum computers do not rely on common sense logic, and have the potential for a vast number of complex applications, in fields such as space and aircrafts, and cancer research. These computers can perform operations like determining protein behaviours in human genomes and have the potential to be used for self-driving cars. They are extremely fast and capable of dealing with infinitesimal data and information, which takes tradition computers to a whole new level of complexity and ability.

    Quantum computers are so much faster than traditional computers because they do not rely on precise data like ones and zeros, as traditional computers do. Instead, they use a range of states and information, and are able to narrow down the possibilities to identify the best option, and they are capable of doing this very quickly. I think that the potential for this kind of technology is incredible, and could change the way we live our everyday lives. A technology that can work so much faster than traditional computers and work with such complex and intricate data will change the world we live in, and has the potential to have a very positive effect in many different fields.

  35. Sheri Durina

    Quantum computers are very powerful computers that use the principles of quantum physics. These computers possess much more power then a regular computer and are able to perform calculations at a speed much faster than any other computer. Calculations may be able to be completed on items that in the past were possibly not thought to be possible; other calculation time may be decreased by weeks. A quantum computer stores data as numbers, and in the format of a one or a zero, or anything in between. These computers, if ever proven to do what they are supposed to do, are predicted to change how the world works. Quantum computers make the possibility of self-driving vehicles possible.

    Quantum computers are so much faster because they work with quantum technology, instead of the binary bits like the regular modern computer. The ability to perform calculations using the quantum technology and the ability to perform calculations with ones and zeros and everything in between and all at the same time is a main factor in the quantum computer’s speed. Quantum computing can also involve the use of thermal manipulation and multiple other technologies. The article states that the speed of the quantum computer will supercharge many systems, including systems in the world of science, business, and medical.

  36. Devin Phalen

    1 & 2. What are quantum computers? & Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?
    I have zero aptitude for this, so I wouldn’t trust the explanation I’m about to give! From what I understand, quantum computers don’t use 1’s and 0’s for data, but subatomic particles that can be 1’s or 0’s or anything else. These subatomic particles can inhabit a range of states and different relationships amongst them may co-exist. This allows optimization among infinite possibilities & dramatically increases the speed of doing so. This sounds like Wizard of Oz stuff to me, but it is exciting and encouraging that it could be a near term possibility. I’m glad there are people with the aptitude to develop stuff like this because, by the sounds of it, it could lead to breakthrough’s in everything from Cancer research to disaster preparedness. I would think that this could also be used in researching renewable energy sources such as solar which, in my opinion, is the most pressing issues for humanity. I’m sure technology will get us there, but hopefully it comes before we bake ourselves.

  37. KJ

    1. What are quantum computers?
    I have been hearing about quantum computing for some time. To break it down into a quick description our current computers operate on a 0 to 1 basis, otherwise known as a binary system, whereas a quantum computer works both at the same time and can perform results almost simultaneously.. I think if it is successful in its consumer integration we will enter a new era of computing and society in general. Where both are integrated and one and the same, where our infrastructure becomes one of light and imagination. Quantum computing processing in this context generally involves super-cooling the lattice of tiny superconducting wires to absolute zero. The processor moves infinite possibilities to determine the lowest energy required to perform connections.

    2. Why is quantum computing so much faster than traditional computers?
    Basically as I understand it, a quantum computer performs data operations by using quantum properties to perform operations of bits (ex: binary code 101010) essentially allowing the data to be in the same place at the same time. This allows for near unimaginably complex computations to be calculated and performed. Such as, described in the article, decoding the millions of possible combinations of proteins found in the human genome.


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